Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Second World War I - 1363 Words

The Second World War was just as deadly as the first, but more widespread. â€Å"Coming just two decades after the last great global conflict, the Second World War was the most widespread and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries and resulting in more than 50 million military and civilian deaths.†( Initiated by Adolf Hitler, the German leader, invaded Poland in 1939. World War two lasted for six years until Nazi Germany and Japan were both defeated in 1945 by the Allied Powers. Realist perspective argues that a crucial event in the cause of the World War one was the unification of Germany in 1871. The unification in Germany created a new power in the center of Europe, and this new power had a larger population, and a more powerful economy compared to other European Countries. â€Å"German Unification created a new power in the heart of Europe that had a larger population, and in short order, a more powerful economy than any other European power.†(Nau). This disruption in the balance of power created uneasiness within other countries of Europe. These countries were threatened by Germany’s new power. So, in response to Germany’s rise to power these countries allied themselves against Germany forming the Triple Entente, but because the countries of Great Britain, France, and Russia allied against; Germany began to feel threatened. This is a prime example of the security dilemma at work. Both countries were unsure about each other’s intentions. â€Å"HowShow MoreRelatedThe World War I Was A Second Attack Front Against Nazi Germany1526 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout World War 1, FDR’s leadership decisions shaped the post-war Cold War in Korea, Poland and Vietnam. During the main three conferences of Tehran, Potsdam, and Yalta, the â€Å"Big Three† agreed on terms and agreements for these regions, which would later continue to affect these areas for multiple decades to come. 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