Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 20

Management - Essay Example Currently, people at Mr. X’s hotel owing to his highly profitable management style share mutual goals, which is a kind of trend that results in delivering real value to customers. Following discussion will demonstrate key features of my interview with Mr. X and also explain how his experience added to my knowledge of management. Many factors internal and external to an organization can influence the role played by mangers in carrying out their job. Success of a company depends a lot on if a manager is a good planner and has a considerable experience in planning functions or not. Sometimes managers do not find it easy to fully commit themselves to their plans which can adversely affect both short and long-term goals of a company. Apart from managers’ inherent capabilities, it can be factors external to an organization like the state of an economy or a fiercely competitive business environment which can affect the role played by managers. Bad economy can prevent a manager from good planning. The essence of Mr. X’s narrative was that a manager should essentially view him/herself as a conscientious leader. This is because an ethically and socially responsible leader always remains keen on participating with his/her employees. This participative style is the key to sustain success in any organization. Mr. X also described different management styles to me. Some organizations are run like tribes where managers primarily focus on paternalistic authoritarian management. Such managers develop aggressive-defensive cultures which thrive on the use of coercive prods. These coercive means are used by employers to force employees to complete tasks (Cheng 2006, p. 59). This negatively impacts the rate of employee motivation in an organization. Participative style on the other hand advocates the idea that every member of an organization

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