Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Religion as a Tool of Control Essay

â€Å"Religion is the moan of the persecuted animal, the core of a wanton world, and the spirit of cruel conditions. It is the opium of the people† (Marx 260). This announcement infers that religion is an influential idea that urges individuals to acknowledge their conditions as opposed to rebelling against their situation. To be sure in an inappropriate hands, it very well may be distorted to legitimize incalculable monstrosities as be utilized as an apparatus of abuse. In her novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood depicts a tragic culture, an anecdotal republic called Gilead, whose rulers utilize the intensity of religion to approve their startling individual plan. She mocks the political framework that utilizes confidence to approve its command, and legitimize its progressively faulty laws. Obviously the utilization of religion for political intentions is one of the focal subjects of the novel; Atwood takes a lot of fundamentalist strict convictions followed by certain periphery components in contemporary society and takes them to their sensible end to feature their actual authoritarian nature. In Gilead, legislative issues and religion go connected at the hip. The Sons of Jacob use religion and mental strategies to control the majority and curve them to their will. Therefore the republic utilizes strict phrasings for instance household hirelings are called â€Å"Marthas† alluding to a residential character in the book of scriptures, the fighters are called â€Å"Angels† while the neighborhood police are the â€Å"Guardians of the Faith†. The decision government authorities are known as the â€Å"Commanders of the Faithful†. Indeed, even the names of shopping stores have scriptural references like All Flesh, Milk and Honey, Loaves and Fishes. The motivation behind this broad utilization of scriptural language is to misdirect the individuals of Gilead into accepting that their rulers institute the desire of God Himself. In addition the legislature just receives certain parts of Christianity while it disregards those that it finds badly designed. For instance Aunt Lydia, an instructor to the handmaids, says â€Å"I’ve figured out how to manage without a ton of things, you get excessively joined to this material world and overlook profound qualities. You should develop destitution of soul. Favored are the resigned. † (Atwood 110) now in the novel Offred noticed that Aunt Lydia says nothing regarding acquiring basically everything. In this way the republic utilized strict defense to request resigned conduct from the handmaids. Hence religion is utilized as an incredible political instrument in Gilead. Ladies assume a restricted job in Gilead’s society; scriptural suggestions are utilized to debilitate their status. A Commander makes the accompanying discourse at the women’s prayvaganza. â€Å"Let the lady learn peacefully with all coercion. However, I endure not a lady to instruct, nor usurp authority over the man, yet to be peacefully. For Adam was first framed, at that point Eve. What's more, Adam was not misled, however the lady being beguiled was in the offense. Despite she will be spared by childbearing, in the event that they proceed in confidence and good cause and blessedness with balance. â€Å"(273) Therefore, by drawing an understanding from a solitary scriptural story the job of ladies is constrained to multiplication. In addition, so as to keep the ladies from getting libertarian, common thoughts mass control happens in Gilead. The nation is cut off from the outside world as it doesn't permit worldwide TV to be communicated; Offred takes note of this while viewing the TV â€Å"Serena taps the channel changer. Waves, shaded crisscrosses, a distortion of sound: it is the Montreal Satellite Station being blocked. â€Å"(101) Furthermore all books esteemed shocking by the republic are scorched and ladies are not permitted to peruse by any stretch of the imagination, the holy book is held safely secured with the goal that the Commanders can peruse out just those parts that are recommended by the administration. Offred’s leader peruses out the accompanying section from the book of scriptures upon the arrival of the month to month service â€Å"Give me youngsters, or, more than likely beyond words. Am I in God’s stead, who hath retained from thee the product of the belly? See my servant Bilhah. She will prove to be fruitful upon my knees, that I may likewise have youngsters by her. â€Å"(112) This scriptural story, described in the novel by the Commander, shapes the premise of the idea of a handmaid which is the reason it is given extraordinary noteworthiness in Gilead and it is additionally another of the ancient stories from the good book that are utilized to uphold profoundly sketchy commitments on ladies. In this manner the ladies of Gilead are enslaved by a twisted rendition of Christianity. Religion should liberate man. Be that as it may, The Handmaid’s Tale portrays a general public wherein it is utilized to shackle individuals, to condition them, to drive them to adjust to a way of life allowed by their administration. Margaret Atwood thinks about the individuals living in Gilead’s severe society to rodents caught in a labyrinth, she calls attention to â€Å"A rodent in a labyrinth is allowed to go anyplace as long as it remains in the maze†(363). Truth be told those that revolutionary to the set up standards are managed cruelly; they are rebuffed at a seudo-strict function called the Particicution, where they are lynched to death by a horde of ladies for bogus wrongdoings they didn't submit. With respect to, the protester handmaid, Ofglen comments â€Å"He wasn’t an attacker by any means, he was a political. He was one of our own. â€Å"(350) What this involves is that the general public in the novel is exceptionally despotic and it does n't permit the opportunity of articulation, in truth it utilizes dread to control its residents and instigate their devotion, as Offred notes â€Å"We must look great from a separation: pleasant, similar to Dutch milkmaids on a backdrop frieze. Mitigating to the eye, the eyes, the Eyes, for that’s who this show is for. We’re off to the Prayvaganza to exhibit how dutiful and devout we are. † (266) This features the peoples’ natural suspicion, the dread of being discovered unfaithful, that has been gradually developed into their souls and psyches. Genuinely the foundation debases the genuine soul of religion by conflicting with its very pith: the profound freedom of humankind. The utilization of religion for political designs is one of the focal topics of the novel; Atwood takes a lot of strict convictions followed by certain periphery components in contemporary society and takes them to their legitimate end to feature their actual dictatorial nature. All in all, Margaret Atwood depicts an appalling interchange reality wherein strict fundamentalists command and religion comes to direct every part of human life. The subject of religion conveys a great deal of criticalness in the novel; in reality the novel fills in as a notice against the radical perspectives held by numerous advanced research organizations.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Occupational health and safety Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Word related wellbeing and security - Case Study Example This exploration will start with the explanation that Occupational Healthy Safety (OHS) has the obligation of guaranteeing that individuals occupied with business are protected and solid while at work.â It is an organ that battles for the government assistance of representatives and supporters for a sound and safe workplace. As a workplace, it is a connection of various individuals like clients, staff, and relatives. In this manner, for the viability of wellbeing and security of those included, OHS framework should be dynamic in an association to stay away from wounds and passings that outcome from a risky workplace. Human life ought to be dealt with sacredly by taking preventive estimates that will make certainty with the laborers to offer their administration unafraid. Organizations, which don't take such measures, open their laborers to risky results illuminate regarding injuries.â These wounds make laborers remain at home while nursing their injuries and torment. At the point when individuals can't take care of their typical obligations at work, they influence administration conveyance, which was seen through the constrained returns that the organization figures it out. Titanic Cove Resort (TCR) is a business firm found in Byron Bay, which gives meeting offices, settlement administrations, and food and drink decisions among numerous to their clients. This demonstrates being a help industry; it has 420 individuals from staff, who go to roughly 800 visitors that visit the business. This paper will talk about the proficiency of OHS framework in TCR in detail, and propose proposals that will improve the wellbeing and strength of TCR representatives and clients. Penetrates in WHS Legislation According to New South Wales enactment The world Health Organization and the New South Wales enactment in Australia have a shared conviction with respect to word related wellbeing and security (Levy and Wegman 2005). As indicated by these two organs, it is the obligation of word related wellbeing to keep up a significant level of mental and real security to laborers in order to stay away from dangers that accompany working conditions. The workplace ought to be improved to make a solid condition that will shield laborers from business related dangers. Organizations should make a positive atmosphere which would empower laborers to improve their profitability in the business. TCR has indicated a penetrate of New South Wales enactment since it has not advanced wellbeing security. The contextual analysis demonstrated that a bar orderly was ambushed by an inebriated individual. This orderly was hospitalized and was to be laid off for tree weeks. This was not as per the work enactment, which advocates for a reasonable workplace. As a business, TCR ought to give security to her representatives while at work, however this occurrence where one of her works endured these wounds, demonstrates a penetrate of enactment. Also, the workplace doesn't advance a solid and security atmosphere. This was demonstrated when a battle broke in the firm, and the security offered to proceed to settle the debate, however rather he was thumped and got oblivious. This shows TCR doesn't maintain word related wellbeing and security subsequently a penetrate of enactment in the organization. Cost and Benefits of Occupational Health The above representation demonstrates that the present degree of word related wellbeing and security isn't legitimate consistence. At the point when laborers are presented to dangers that hurt their lives, they lead the organization to an additional expense of accommodating their clinical treatment (Alston 1994). Such costs can be maintained a strategic distance from if the word related wellbeing and security framework is maintained. Absence of legitimate word related wellbeing may prompt passings that cause families to lose their friends and family, who for this situation are the providers. The passing of a family provider shows that other relatives will confront difficulties in meeting their fundamental needs. This spreads the pace of neediness in the general public. Families that lose their friends and family experience agony and pain and set aside effort to acknowledge the flight of their companion or relative. Consequently, to maintain a strategic distance from such

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Art of Writing the Perfect Formal Letter

The Art of Writing the Perfect Formal Letter Sometimes it seems like letter writing is a lost art form. Formal letters are becoming a rarity and have been replaced by all sorts of modern communicationâ€"from informal emails to texts to Snapchat. Even though we have come a long way technologically in communicating with each other, its still important to know the basics of writing a formal letter just in case there is an occasion for one. Learning the basics of writing a formal letter can also help us improve communication in the other, more modern ways of writing to each other. Here are some things to remember when you start to write your own formal letter.Why you would need to write a formal letterIn this day and age, you may be wondering why you would even need to write a formal letter. Though it may be a rare occasion in this digital era with its emphasis on abbreviations and getting everything into 140 characters or less, there are still a few times when letter-writing skills can come in handy. For example, in addition to co ver letters there are also grants and applications to universities or even certain jobs that may require a formal written letter, so you want to be prepared when those pop up.You could also write a letter if you have been using a product or service for many years and all of a sudden the product has changed and you become dissatisfied. Though social media is a quick way to get a companys attention, it may not have lasting imprint on them to affect change in the way you want.Another good reason to write a formal letter is if you read an article online or in a newspaper that you disagree with and want to let the editor know your thoughts. This formal letter is called a letter to the editor and often they get published in the publication, so you definitely want to ensure that it is well written and your thoughts are easily understandable.Lastly, you could also make your grandmas whole year by writing her a traditional letter and sending it in the mail, which is another very good reason to know how to write one.Be professional in toneThe very first thing you need to keep in mind when writing a formal letter is to always be professional. Though you can be a little lax about spelling and grammar in emails or social media posts to friends, when you write a formal letter you want to make sure that everything is precise and accurate. Avoid using Internet jargon like LOL or idk. Always be respectful in your language, even if youre trying to convey disagreement or complain about a service or product. Using antagonistic language will never get your point across effectively and may tarnish any chance you have to work together with the person or company to fix the problem.Though its important to be professional, its also important to use language thats relatable. Just because a letter is formal doesnt mean that you need to use overly complicated words that are uncommon. You dont want your letter receiver to have to use a dictionary while reading it because your point may get lost in the midst. Be formal, but not too formal.The basics of the heading and salutationWhen you are writing a formal letter, the first thing you need to do is figure out who you are addressing. If you are writing a letter to the editor, for example, you need to address your letter to the editor-in-chief of the paper. If you are writing a cover letter, then you will need to address the hiring manager that was listed in the advertisement for the job.It is always best to do address a letter with the recipients name. In some cases you may find that you dont have a name to address toâ€"especially in the case of applying blindly to a job advertisement where theres not much info about the hiring manager online. However, you should exhaust all efforts to find the recipients name so that your letter can appear more personal.Once you establish who you are writing the letter to, then you will need to set up a correct heading. Though getting the right heading may not seem all that important, it establishes a rapport with your letter recipient. They know that youve taken the extra steps to get their information correct and will be more likely to read on in the body of the letter.Start out your heading with the senders address, but dont include your name. Below the two lines of your address, put todays date. After you have written out the senders address, put a space of one line and then enter the inside address, or the address of the person or company you are writing to. The inside address will include the recipients name, his or her title, company, and then address. If you are unsure if your recipient is a Miss or a Mrs., then it is always best to use Ms to avoid any embarrassing incidents. If you know that your recipient is a medical doctor or holds a PhD, then be sure to use Dr. before their name.After you have written the inside address, then you will need to write a formal salutation to start off the letter. It is standard to use Dear followed by the recipients nam e. Typically, if you are writing to someone you havent met then its appropriate to write their personal title (Miss, Ms., or Mr.) followed by their last name and then a colon. If you are unsure of a persons gender, then use their first and last name in both the inside address and the salutation.Heres an example of a heading with a proper salutation.Be concise in the body of the letterWhen you write a formal letter, write with purpose. It is likely that your recipient is a very busy person who doesnt have time to read a meandering letter. Know what purpose your letter serves and write about that and that only.After your salutation, skip a line and then start the body. In the first paragraph, give a brief introduction to who you are and why you are writing. After you have established those first important details, the rest of the letter body should be spent explaining what your business is and why they should know or care about it. Using facts and convincing language will undoubtedly be appreciated by your recipient. Be concise, use good language, and be sure to proofread and fact check everything you send in.Closing your letterOnce you have written the body of the letter and you feel you have gotten your business established and your point across with the recipient, then you will need to close it out. After the last body paragraph, skip one line to write the closing. There are many ways to do this, but the generally accepted lines are:Sincerely Yours,Best,Yours Sincerely,Looking forward to hearing from you,Respectfully,After the closing line, skip four lines and then write your full name to sign the letter.Small details to rememberIn addition to making sure your heading, salutation, body, closing, and signature are correct in your formal letter, you should also get the overall look of your letter to be professional as well. Use a standard font, such as Times New Roman, and a standard size, such as 12 point, for formal letters. Anything bigger will make it look like you are trying to take up space and anything smaller will make it difficult on your recipient to read.You should also make sure that your margins are a standard size (around 1 inch) and that you arent using double spaces between lines. Most business letters are left justified and use single spacing throughout, so be mindful of these aesthetic choices in your letter writing.Letter exampleThe following is an example of a formal letter, complete with heading and salutations.6872 Elm Ave.Toledo, OH 43601December 4, 2016Ms. Persephone JohnsonEditor-in-ChiefToledo Daily News456 Editor AvenueToledo, OH 43601Dear Ms. Johnson:I am writing to you today in response to the op-ed piece, Why You Should Absolutely Declaw Your Cat in Thursdays issue of the Daily News. As a longtime cat owner, I was very disturbed by the writers opinion of this delicate subject.Though declawing your cat may seem like the easiest way to prevent your home from being torn to shreds by your kittys claws, the truth is that this is an inhumane practice that many vets are starting to shy away from. To declaw a cat is to remove your kittys naturally given tools. This would be the equivalent of cutting off a humans fingers just so they wouldnt get into too much trouble.Cats without claws are unable to defend themselves against other animals and the surgery provides absolutely no medical benefit to them. The Humane Society is staunchly against declawing cats, except in the cases of medical emergencies such as tumors.Instead of declawing, cat owners should be patient with their feline companions when it comes to unwanted scratching. The truth is that scratching is a very natural behavior of cats, and should not be eradicated from their activities. The owner needs to instead redirect scratching from things like furniture or wood floors to toys and scratching posts. Cats typically scratch when they are bored, so as cat owners we need to make sure they are getting everything they need to live happy, fu lfilled lives.This reader thinks that the writer of this piece should have more thoroughly checked her sources on declawing and the harm that it creates for cats.Respectfully,Gina DavisThe importance of letter writingWhether you are writing a letter to your prospective new boss, you are trying to get a donation for your business or nonprofit, or you are writing a letter to the editor at your local paper, its important to be accurate and confident in your writing. Paying attention to small details like getting the heading correct or using the right salutation will make your letter more credible in the eyes of the recipient. They will automatically assume that you are competent and professional, which will hopefully make them more receptive to what you have to say in the body of your letter.Before you send your letter off to your recipient, have someone look it over. Whether its a friend, colleague, a copy editor, or a teacher, its worth getting someone to proofread, provide suggestio ns on how to improve, and to get feedback on what you have written. Though the formal letter may not be as fun to write as a novel or an op-ed, its am important genre of writing that can accomplish a lot in just a few paragraphs.